by Wayne Friedman on Nov 20, 6:08 PM
At a OMMA RTB Seattle panel, “Better Aim: Improved Targeting Through Better Data and Inputs”, executives mulled the idea of data costs equalling digital media costs -- in some instances. But down the road many believe prices could drop. “Marketers have had 15 years to evaluate media online; it has been only a few years in evaluating data,” says Jeff Lanctot, president/chief executive officer of Mixpo. “Long term, the cost will probably drop.” When asked whether data costs are now matching media costs in some instances, Jeremy Lockhorn, vp of emerging media for Razorfish, said, for example, …
by Joe Mandese on Nov 20, 5:52 PM
During the "After the Cookies Crumble" panel at OMMA RTB Seattle panelist David Shim, CEO of Placed, made an excellent point about the value of seemingly precise data -- a consumer's GPS coordinates, you know their physical latitude and longitude.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 20, 3:23 PM
Digital ad standards continue to be tough to come by for marketers, media agencies, and publishers. As OMMA RTB Seattle moderator, Kevin Ryan, chief executive officer/founder of Motivity Marketing, notes: "It took 13 years to define a click."
by Joe Mandese on Nov 20, 3:07 PM
Location, location, location. "Transparency" moderator, Kevin Ryan, remembered that adage midway through another anecdote, turning to the OMMA RTB Seattle crowd, and suggesting the audience "google it" to find out for themselves. He caught himself midway, and added, "or Binging it, Microsoft people."
by Joe Mandese on Nov 20, 2:43 PM
I wasn't exactly sure how Kevin Ryan was going to convert that one, upon introducing the "Transparency" panel at OMMA RTB Seattle, but somehow, he managed to pull it off -- sort of.
by Gavin O'Malley on Nov 20, 1:53 PM
Measured by domestic impression volume, programmatic ad buying surpassed direct media buying for the first time, last month. So Gabe Gottlieb, CEO of ad firm Adomic, told attendees of OMMA RTB Seattle, on Wednesday. To be clear, direct still eats up the vast majority of online ad dollars -- because it commands higher CPMs -- Gottlieb noted. Stateside, eMarketer estimates that advertisers will spend $3.36 billion on RTB, this year, and $8.49 billion by 2017 -- or nearly 30% of all display display advertising.
by Gavin O'Malley on Nov 20, 1:15 PM
How conversant are clients in the finer points of programmatic ad buying? Hardly at all, according to Christine Bensen, Media Strategy SVP at iCrossing. At the risk of offending a few attendees at OMMA RTB Seattle, on Wednesday, Bensen even joked that she has to draw a lot of diagrams for clients. Alas, a lot of people that you'd expect to have fluency in programmatic ad buying are pretty clueless, Bensen continued. As such, she said she's spent the past year doing little else than educating, educating, educating. Yes, "a lot of education," Bensen said. Some less than knowledgeable clients …
by Gavin O'Malley on Nov 20, 12:53 PM
Think agencies are growing more comfortable with programmatic systems to protect their precious brands? Maybe, but their fears remain very real, according to Renee' Dornan, Director of Digital at MEC Global. "If you don't know where your [brands are] running, you probably shouldn't be running there," Dornan told her colleagues in attendance at OMMA RTB Seattle, on Wednesday. "There's ... a lot of work being done, but it probably could be done better," Dornan said of industry efforts to improve transparency and viewability standards, while continuing to curb malware, click-fraud, and other issues. Presently, paying for services that can improve …
by Joe Mandese on Nov 20, 12:50 PM
That was the datapoint from "Are We Branding Yet" moderator Marlo Huang's, VP-strategy at Liquid Advertising, opening question during the opening panel at OMMA RTB Seattle this morning.
by Laurie Sullivan on Nov 18, 5:18 PM
Perhaps brand marketers need to stop trying so hard to find the correct message for any one consumer and just allow the natural progression of the person loving the product or service to take place. I heard a forced message from panelists participating in the Predictive Targeting and the Search for New Customers panel. The process of not forcing the connection aligns with Google's mantra to build content that appeals to a specific audience. Consumers are individuals, but not to the point that one ad speaks only to one person. And if you do find the one ad that speaks …