by Nina Lentini on Jan 29, 11:44 AM
The different ways that companies interpret customer privacy concerns are becoming distracting from the job at hand. That is, to make a profit by moving the product.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 29, 11:02 AM
Wednesday's MediaPost Forecast 2020 took a look at those lengthy, dense privacy policies, what they meant, how they work, and pretty much agreed with Alison Pepper, SVP, Government Relations at the 4As, who said, "Short of writing a policy in haiku, who's gonna read it?"
by Nina Lentini on Jan 29, 10:12 AM
Media buyers are always on the hunt for quality video, especially as linear TV viewing continues to decline. So where are they finding it as well as quality audiences?
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 4:09 PM
Run for Something works with only local and state candidates from those running for the state legislature to the local dog catcher. Rocketto spoke on a panel, "Follow the Money: Allocation (And Reorganization) Forecasting 2020," at our Marketing Politics conference in Washington, D.C.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 2:47 PM
What if Martin Luther King had had Twitter? Jara Butler, National Training and Services Director, for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, mused about that as well as #ihaveadream and #marchonwashington. It's a great question!
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 2:09 PM
Was that a primal scream?
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 12:30 PM
The old way of reaching potential voters used to be about volume. If you sent out five direct mail pieces, send a sixth. Now, the methods have shifted and the focus is on quality of message rather than volume.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 11:46 AM
In navigating the new social "etiquette," political operatives haven't got any answers because the "ground is still shifting," said Laura Carlson, Digital Director of the Democratic Governors Association, at MediaPost's Marketing Politics conference in Washington, D.C.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 11:07 AM
Kevin Zambrano looked nervous. Which was odd since this chief digital officer of the Republican National Committee should be sitting pretty, having known three years ago that this year's nominee would be Donald Trump.
by Nina Lentini on Jan 16, 10:26 AM
The DNC is developing easily transferrable assets. "One thing that we really can provide for them are volunteer and donator lists," said Patrick Stevenson, Chief Mobilization Officer for the Democratic National Committee.