by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 11:08 AM
Moderator Maria Twigge, Insight Manager, Intersperience challenged panelists Mark Brennan, Head of Mobile, Carat Miles Lewis, VP Advertising Sales, Shazam Entertainment, Stephen Poole, Multi Platform Group Sales Controller, ITV and Scott Seaborn, Exexcutive Creative Director, XS2 Connected Media on whether or not mobile should be defined as the first screen.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 9:46 AM
MPG Contacts mobile and social media divisions, Mobext & Socialyse, share key findings of a major global research project with mobile network inMobi, exploring the role of tablets in the consumer sales journey. The research aims to help planners distinguish how consumers use their desktop, mobile and tablet devices in the retail journey. Around 10,000 respondents from six different territories including the UK, France, India, the US, Japan and Australia.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 8:14 AM
Ross Sleight, Chief Strategy Officer, Somo Global gave his keynote on the retail experience on mobile, tablet, bricks and clicks. Unless retailers are omnipresent, they will lag behind, he warned.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 7:26 AM
Moderator Carine Zeier, Managing Director, Boost Advertising, cited the example of the Express editorial team's recent frustration with readers spending hours on the app but not having the right ad units to be able to monetise that time.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 7:16 AM
A five-strong panel comprising Paul Childs, Chief Marketing Officer & Co-founder, Adfonic, Gary Danks, Managing Director, YOC Mobile Advertising, Mike Goldsmith, Editor-in-chief, Digital Editions, Future, Rob Grimshaw, Managing Director, and Ben Tatton-Brown, SVP & Managing Director, EMEA, Amobee thrash it out on stage at OMMA Mobile Europe this afternoon.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 5:39 AM
The 'Mobile As Branding Agency' panel discusses the role of turnkey within mobile
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 5:27 AM
A five-strong agency panel joined moderator Forrester analyst Anthony Fuller to discuss why should mobile media be any different from web, and is branding really possible with mobile?
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 5:06 AM
Dan Rosen, chief executive of Joule discusses multi-screen usage in his mobile keynote
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 4:57 AM
Dan Rosen, chief exec of WPP agency Joule, gives his keynote on mobile and the new hierarchy of screens.
by Gina Lovett on Sep 18, 4:57 AM
Dan Rosen, chief exec of WPP agency Joule, gives his keynote on mobile and the new hierarchy of screens.