by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 12:24 PM
Something Massive's Adam Broitman is definitely an innovator, but that doesn't mean he doesn't take a few arrows in his back every once in a while. It's a mixed blessing to be in the vanguard, said Broitman, noting, "My Second Life real estate is greatly devalued right now. It's not always great to be the guy pushing things."
by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 11:58 AM
Something Massive Chief Creative Strategist Adam Broitman just did a good job of explaining the different between innovation and experimentation. And he used the iPhone, augmented reality and Ben & Jerry's to do it.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 11:52 AM
Apodaca is president of Gizmo Beverages and he's speaking on the final panel at the Brand Marketers Summit, which is focused on experimentation.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 11:36 AM
Sarita Bhatt, Managing Director, Strategy, Social Platforms, Euro RSCG NY, has pointed out a huge dilemma for brand marketers, which his that consumers basically want less stuff.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 11:27 AM
It's no surprise that direct response, performance and commerce marketers have embraced programmatic-buying of online media, because it's pretty easy to correlate the return on media spending via clicks, conversions, etc., but Kellogg's Associate Director-Global Digital Strategy Bob Arnold just made a great case for brand marketers too.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 29, 11:01 AM
That's what Visible Measures Chief Analytics Officer Seraj Bharwani presented this morning during the Brand Marketers Summit's sponsored breakfast presentation. Specifically, the e stands for "earned" and the p stands for "paid," and before you think this is just another "paid, earned, owned" rant, it's not. It's about trying to apply some scientific analysis on the relationship between two of those components to understand the value created by the combination of them.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 28, 1:20 PM
That's what the Brand Marketers Summit youth panelists said in response to an audience question asking them what they would like to see brands doing with them on social media. Basically, they want brands to listen to them.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 28, 1:09 PM
Asked by the ARF's Ted McConnell what their peers do on Facebook that make them seem like a "loser," Brand Marketer Summit youth panelists cited "hashtagging," "poking," and receiving posts from parents, grandparents and other immediate family members.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 28, 1:06 PM
Remember Caitlin Frank, the 15-year-old who said her parents punish her by taking her iPhone away from her. Well, she just told Brand Marketers Summit attendees that when that happens, she turns to her iPad.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 28, 1:00 PM
Fifteen-year-old Connor McLaughlin just coined an interesting concept, possibly inadvertently.