by Tyler Loechner on Apr 30, 11:42 AM
How have several large publishers changed the conversation when it comes to getting advertisers and agencies to use their data? A high-profile group of publishers was asked this question at the Publishing Insider Summit in Key Largo, FL, this morning, consisting of representatives from Politico, Conde Nast, AOL and Tribune Media.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 30, 10:43 AM
Contrary to conventional wisdom -- or at least conventional emotions -- programmatic isn't a threat to publishers control over their advertising marketplace. It is actually, the opposite -- a way for them to reestablish control. "Programmatic reestablishes the rate card," Forrester Senior Analyst Susan Bidel told Publishing Insider Summit attendees this morning, attributing Meredith's Chip Schenck as the source of that perspective. Describing publishers as being like "deer in the headlights," Bidel said many have felt like they've lost control over how they manage their supply and demand in the marketplace, but that programmatic gives them more opportunity to control …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 30, 10:19 AM
That's what big publishers sales organizations are trying to create vis a vis better integration of their internal sales organization resources -- both man and machine, according to speakers on the opening panel at the Publishing Insider Summit in Key Largo this morning. We want to make it "as seamless as possible for advertisers," Chip Schenck, VP of Programmatic Sales and Strategy, Meredith said, describing the goal as "frictionless buying." Easier said than done for publishers' sales organizations that are still steeped in direct selling and are rapidly accelerating their investments and integration with programmatic selling systems. "Programmatic is a …
by Tyler Loechner on Apr 30, 10:13 AM
A few years ago, said Zach Friedman, VP of digital ad sales at Fox News Channel, direct sales drove the bulk of revenue for the network. But that has changed drastically, he told the audience at the Publishing Insider Summit in Key Largo, FL, this morning.
by Tanya Gazdik on Apr 29, 9:34 AM
When a marketer is sponsoring an event, they have two choices, says Brian Westerman, director of mobile client services, HelloWorld, during MediaPost's Mobile Insider Summit.
by Tanya Gazdik on Apr 29, 9:03 AM
Digital and mobile have fundamentally changed the way shoppers are engaging with brands, says Lori Anderson, Whitewave Foods Co. social marketing manager.
by Tanya Gazdik on Apr 28, 11:48 AM
The second screen effect continues to challenge marketers, according to panelists at MediaPost's Mobile Insider Summit.
by Tanya Gazdik on Apr 28, 11:11 AM
David Plant, director, mobile, PGA Tour Digital, takes MediaPost Mobile Insider Summit attendees through the process of the brand's iPad App redesign. Not all of the response has been positive. "We are going to lose some users to the web," he says. "We are still listening to the feedback from fans and internal stakeholders, but the key is to remain true to the mission. We will incorporate feedback, but we are taking more a long-term perspective."
by Joe Mandese on Apr 28, 10:50 AM
Mobile Insider Summit keynoter Adam Gagliardo, Senior Director, Media and Communications, Burger King, invoked social media's "D" word -- "dark social" -- but offered a new way to shed light on the unseen consumer behaviors. Noting that peer-to-peer social media continue to dominate most consumer interactions, Gagliardo said the "untrackable sharing mentions" "are not public actions we can necessarily tap into or read or quantify." "From a brand perspective what can we do and how can we tap into these conversations?" Instead of being stymied, Gagliardo said Burger King was "really inspired," so it developed a dark social media marketing …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 28, 10:12 AM
That's what Erin Kienast, senior vice president-Innovation and Activation Director, Starcom Worldwide, said on the "native" panel on the second day of the Mobile Insider Summit, while discussing the appropriate and inappropriate use of data in native scenarios. Intent signals are great, but Kienast said it's all about understanding who the actual person is. "The consumer is at the center," she said, reminding the audience that it's really about the "first-party data... It's understanding me, my actions throughout the day, and how you can deliver a brand messaging to me based on the data you collect." She pointed out that …