• Giving Native Legs: Sharing And Scale In The Feed
    Not everyone defines “native” the same, according to Mike Grehan, CMO at Acronym, who is leading a panel discussion at MediaPost's Mobile Insider Summit. Native is something that makes sure that the user experience is not different, says Richard Rabbat, vp advertising programs at Tango. The content and the sponsored message have to have the same value proposition to the user. Native advertising is a piece of contact that creates a better value exchange between brands and consumers, according to Alec Painter, director, strategy, IMM. It’s branding, it’s awareness, says Doug Platts, vp, search strategy iCrossing. “I personally hate the …
  • Digital's 3rd Wave: 'Adaptive Mobility'
    That's what Mobile Insider Summit opening keynoter Jeff Malmad said Madison Avenue is entering now. Malmad, who is managing director and head of mobile and life+ at Mindshare North America, said the first wave was conventional Web publishing. The second wave was optimizing for mobile Web and mobile apps. This new adaptive mobility wave, he said leverages data from "search, social, video, content and context and really target individuals based on that moment." He said mobile is the "pipeline," but that it is all those data then enable brands and agencies to "target consumers in unique ways." He said there …
  • Bright Shiny Objects: Social Is Mobile, Mobile Is Social
    TV and mobile and social are not competitors, says Laurel Boyd, VP, group media director, Mediahub/Mullen, at the MediaPost Mobile Insider Summit this morning. "We need to approach this as one holistic experience," Boyd says. And second screen is second nature (who watches TV without a mobile phone in their hand, anyway?) Apps can enable consumers to move beyond text and images, this results in a more meaningful experience. Some implications: Brands can not decouple TV from mobile and brands should pay attention to real-time mobile focus groups. Physical location data plays a big role in mobile and social marketing, …
  • The New Age of Mobile Discovery: Forget The Old Assumptions On How Content Gets Shared
    Tailoring digital experiences to user behavior is a hot topic at MediaPost's Mobile Insider Summit this morning. "There's so much low hanging fruit around this," says Ryan Unger, co-founder and CTO of Punchkick Interactive, adding that analyzing user behavior, particiuarly pain points, is important in helping to find hot spots or friction points. If you Google for "Home Depot electrical cord" you'll see an example of deep linking, says Sean Kainec, senior manager, search engine optimization, The Home Depot, adding that one of his motivations in beating the paid search partners on clicks. Downloading the Home Depot app is like …
  • Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing!
    That's not exactly what Rosetta Stone Director of Digital Marketing T.J. Hunter said about the role of programmatic during his opening keynote at the Mobile Insider Summit in Key Largo, FL, this morning, but he did utilize George Jetson to illustrate his point. While programmatic is the industry's buzz du jour, Hunter said the key is to "humanize the data." "Beyond the programmatic theme," he said, "there's a real consumer and a real marketer." Where does Jetson come in? As futuristic as the cartoon show was, Hunter said that when he grew up watching it he always remembered that George …
  • Selling The $199 App: It Takes A Story
    All of us are here because we are trying to create value, TJ Hunter, director, digital marketing at Rosetta Stone tells the audience at MediaPost's Mobile Insider Summit. Rosetta Stone's goal is trying to help people learn language. The company approaches language learning the same way that you first learned a language. The company was founded in 1992 and has sold millions of products to both consumers and businesses. But how does the company go beyond the historic yellow box? "If you want to win, you can not ignore the obvious," Hunter says., adding that embracing change is key. "Early …
  • Translate This: Mobile Apps Are The New Branding
    That's more or less what T.J Hunter, Director of Digital Marketing, Rosetta Stone, told Mobile Insider Summit attendees this morning during an opening keynote illustrating how the language education service embraced a mobile app strategy and gained tremendous lift as a result. In fact, Rosetta Stone's app downloads are up 200% year-over-year. That's especially impression, when you consider that unlike a lot of mobile apps -- like games -- that are free, Rosetta Stone markets a premium service.
  • Do political ads need to tell better stories?
    Pure facts in a TV/digital political advertsing ad can leave a lot left behind -- like real story teliing. Speaking at the Marketing: Politics event, Casey Phillips, founding partner, Red Print Strategy: “We getting better at it. In the past we focused on a lot of logic-based messaging versus emotional-based messaging — which is what the left tends to grab onto.”He adds: "You need to connect the dots -- [using words] like ‘but’ and ‘therefore’ rather than ‘and’ and 'and'. This is especially true when you get down to micro-targeting.”Anton Vuljaj, director of IMGE says: “We …
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