by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 30, 12:17 PM
"The age of shitty marketing might be going away," Chris Knock, VP of Strategic Solutions at IgnitionOne, just told attendees of MediaPost's Search Insider Summit. If a touch over optimistic, Knock's statement was partially inspired by the ad formats Yahoo debuted at its NewFront presentation, last night. "What Yahoo showed us were social news feeds," which, according to Knock, could take concepts like native advertising and user-approved ads to an entirely new level. Yahoo's "Stream Ads," so-called, will feature sponsored posts that appear in the stream of content that users see on the redesigned Yahoo home page, as well as …
by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 30, 11:54 AM
Pinterest continues to get tons of love at MediaPost's Search Insider Summit, this week. Sitting on the "Guerrilla Marketing" panel, Jonathan Mendez, CEO of ad-tech startup Yieldbot, said the pic-centric social network is currently driving "way more" referral traffic than even Facebook. "People are posting to their boards [and] we're able to see the traffic from pins back to original pages, and then click paths from there," Mendez explained. "It's a great window into interest ... that business has exploded." What's more, "There's tons of keyword data on Pinterest," Mendez added. In all fairness, however, the CEO said his company …
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 30, 11:45 AM
Prashant Puri, CEO and co-founder at AdLift, said at the MediaPost Search Insider Summit on Tuesday he tweets information about new products or services to get the information indexed faster in the search engines, such as Google and Bing. It's an example of tying social sentiment into search.
by Wendy Davis on Apr 30, 11:22 AM
Industry observers have been waiting for search engines to do a better job at making search more "social" by figuring out how to show people results based, in part, on data from their online friends. But is this type of data really that relevant?
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 30, 10:10 AM
Expect to see a lot of experiment in mobile product listing ads, such as more mobile-friendly formats, touch-based interactions, local, and new tools in enhanced campaigns, according to Jennifer Liu, Senior Product Manager, Google, during the Search Insider Summit on Tuesday. Platform providers like Adchemy, along with Adobe will simplicity. Adobe plans to incorporate the data feed management into the platform tools.
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 30, 9:59 AM
Marketing to merchandising: that's how panelists describe product listing ads. A panel of vendors, brands and Google talked about product listing ads to determine what how the industry can learn from each other. Blending paid search with product-style marketing is new, but catching on fast. Brands participating in the panel point to& challenges in managing feeds and optimizing and managing individual products for multiple brands. Photos and price information are two reasons why conversion rates are higher, according to Murthy Nkala, Adchemy founder, who also founded
by Laurie Sullivan on Apr 30, 9:11 AM
Paul Barrett, Senior Manager of the Big Data Practice at Accenture Interactive, delivered the keynote Tuesday at the MediaPost Search Insider Summit in Florida. He said it will become more important to analyze how and when people talk about their experiences. Marketers will want to tie specific times to different outcomes in the customer lifecycle. Time could make Facebook's timeline more important to marketers.
by Gavin O'Malley on Apr 29, 12:27 PM
Around the offices of the PGA Tour, there's never been much question about audience. "They're old, rich, white males," Andrew Chapman, manager of site analytics at the non-profit, told Search Insider Summit attendees on Monday. "They're golfers; we know that." Yet, as Chapman explained, recent advances in data collection have shed new light on the Tour's audience. For one, only about 38% of viewers are fully employed -- considerably more than the 25% of viewers who are retired, according to Chapman, citng comScore data. Needless to say, such findings factor into the Tour's marketing and content distribution strategy. "I always …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 29, 12:03 PM
I'm starting to think so. After listening to Google's own Search Advocate Joan Arensman speaking earlier about Google Now's precognitive features that tell us what to do before we know to do it, and now George Michie, CEO of Rimm Kaufman Group, is telling Search Insider Summit people "how cool it is" that Google knows everything about us. Google knows when you're at home and when you're at work," he gushed, adding, "And they know when you're on the road." Okay, but knowing and knowing how to use that information, aren't necessarily the same thing. Michie indirectly made this point, …
by Joe Mandese on Apr 29, 11:48 AM
As search director of Maxus, Jaime Knocks clearly is a self-confident search marketing executive, but she's also a pretty self-assured search user. "I feel like I am personally the only person in America is comfortable sitting in my office and searching for pregnancy tips, condoms and vibrators," she said this morning during the "Mulit-Channel Experimentation" panel at the Search Insider Summit. The reason for her eclectic mix of product search is that she handles the search marketing account for Church & Dwight, which has brands ranging from Arm & Hammer to First Response pregnancy detectors to Trojan condoms.