• streaming.png
  • privacy 'watershed' coming
    Media buyer's get their turn to talk about the dirty secrets behind BT during the day's agency panel, with execs from Organic, Mediasmith, Media Contacts, and NEO. Aside from nuts and bolts issues to implementing BT campaigns, Media Contacts' Adam Kasper warned that a "watershed moment is going to happen that hasn't happened yet" in relation to privacy. He says while agencies and marketers may be plunging into BT, consumers don't really get it yet and there's going to be a big public outcry over how consumers' data is being used for targeting purposes.
  • Correction on 'What's a CPM Worth?'
    The quote, "There's no data, only bad price-points," in a Raw Blog post from OMMA Metrics Wednesday had been incorrectly attributed to Darren Herman. Greg Skipper of Advertising.com actually made the remark.
  • Brands=utility
    Freeman said a key for brands in the digital world is to go back to being useful. "Having brands approach investments as
  • Live From New York, It's OMMA Behavioral
  • Entropy and the Multiverse
    Steve Blamer and Microsoft are right when they said we're not in the software business right now, says Matt Freeman, CEO, Mediabrand Ventures. Agencies are lost, in many ways, in dealing with brands' orientation to media. "It's a system change that's required, not just a service change. I've been fascinated with a dangerously misinformed brain: multiverse theory." Which is the theory that we live in only one of many universes that exist at once. Within each universe there is little to no knowledge of what goes on in the other universes. Now what does this have to …
  • The Weird Science Of Matt Freeman
  • More BT acceptance
    Why should it be easier to combine offline and online data now than a decade ago when privacy concerns that led to the  the DoubleClick-Abacus deal being quashed. Besides institutional measures like the National Advertising Initiative, Nuzzo said there's simply more acceptance in the marketplace of matching online and offline information. But he said he still wouldn't be surprised if there was a "hue and cry" and someone tried to make a story out of what's happening with behavioral targeting. With BT heating up as an online ad approach, it seems that its not just the media but Congress and …
  • Matt Freeman: Madison Avenue, You’re Out Of Order
  • Tying Online Data To Digital TV Set-Tops: Suprising Results
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