• How High Will Yahoo Go?
    It appears Yahoo's first bid for Hulu--a reported $600-$800M--might not be enough. But will new CEO Marissa Mayer go?
  • That Whopper-Holder Really Isn't On the Market
    You can't buy a Whopper-holder, Burger King says, answering the burning (broiling?) question some video-watchers asked when they saw one in a Burger King commercial created by a Puerto Rican ad agency.
  • Nexstar Broadcasting Chooses Syndicaster for Online Video Platform
    The Nexstar Broadcasting Group will be using the Syndicaster platform for online video at its 61 television station in 41 markets, the companies announced on Monday, signaling a move to more aggressive digital video production.
  • Maybe These Kids Are All Right
    A high school senior from East. Stroudsburg, Pa. has gotten his whole school into the idea of lip-dubbing, and we're only publishing a link here  it here because it's amazing to see this many happy teens doing something as a group. Maybe we're just feeling mushy. A story about a second video was published today on the PoconoRecord.com
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