by Steve Smith on Apr 15, 12:28 PM
How serious is Google/YouTube about hosting pirated content? Hard to say given the hours and hours of material that finds its way onto the system. But YouTube surely needs to be seen making a fair effort to deter misuse of its network. Yesterday the site rolled out an anti-piracy campaign and education program. To their credit, the Google/YouTube promotional videos are getting a lot better. Gone are the lab dweebs walking us through the minutiae of new products. This time
our tutorial on copyright is led by the Happy Tree Friends.
by Steve Smith on Apr 14, 12:04 PM
Apple's admittedly cool video-tossing technology AirPlay got a viral burst yesterday when legendary tech geek Robert Scoble raved that "AirPlay is the Most Important New Protocol Since RSS." Of course, AirPlay is the iOS feature that lets iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad users transfer a video they are watching on these devices to the TV screen via an Apple TV box. Recent iOS updates widened the scope of AirPlay to include third-party apps. At his
Scobleizer blog and Business Insider, Scoble brought us into his living room to show off how a video aggregation app like ShowYou or the video …
by Steve Smith on Apr 13, 12:37 PM
Precisely what kind of market threat or usage shift the iPad represents has been unclear in this first year since its release. With such a bubble of male, tech-obsessed early adopters racing to get those first ten million or so devices, it was hard to extrapolate from early results. After all, users, too, were getting adjusted to the new device. While the iPad has remained a fixture in my nightly media rituals, I also know other mediaholics who just don't use it much anymore. The platform's lack of productivity chops just sent a lot of those techie types rushing back …
by Steve Smith on Apr 12, 1:37 PM
I admit it. I am worse than a fair weather sports fan. Just about the only thing that will get me to tune into a live sporting event is a super-high-profile moment of drama that even my mother would understand. Except when it comes to Tiger. Fallen, muddied, sullied and shamed as Tiger Woods may be, even this golf ignoramus recalls that magical Masters over a decade ago when we all watched Woods make that historic, unchallenged march: a 12-stroke win at the 1997 Masters. So when a stray headline caught my eye Sunday afternoon that Tiger was back in …
by Steve Smith on Apr 11, 12:30 PM
Long before we get to TV Everywhere, it looks as if we will have to lurch our way through "Some-TV-Somewhere-For-Some-Of-You-Sometime." Case in point, the mostly frustrating WatchESPN iPhone app that dropped last week and is only useful for customers of Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks, Verizon FiOS and Verizon high speed Internet. For the rest of us, it is closer to TV-Let's-Wait-And-See.
by Steve Smith on Apr 8, 12:45 PM
Since word dropped yesterday that Google is planning to create original video channels on YouTube for the living room lean back experience, it seemed a good time to reflect on Google TV itself. After all, I gather that Google is imagining this reported $100 million investment in show material will be fodder for a YouTube app on Google TV and elsewhere.
by Steve Smith on Apr 7, 11:39 AM
With so much video pouring onto the Web from so many different directions, there must be a young Spielberg in here somewhere, no? A budding Roger Corman, maybe? Well, okay, how about just something other than the unctuous Fred? According to Break Media, there is indeed a line developing between online video production and cross platform media success.
by Steve Smith on Apr 6, 1:07 PM
Can a flagging brand reinvigorate its market via a Web series? Well, TV cook Paula Deen's online video series Real Women of Philadelphia was not the only component in the strategy to boost sales of the Philadelphia Cream Cheese product in 2010. But apparently it didn't hurt. The series focused on cream cheese as a cooking ingredient and invited users to submit their own recipe videos. Produced by Paula Deen Enterprises as well as Digitas and EQAL, the program attracted 1.3 million visits to the online community last year and 40,000 registered users. The companies say that users shared more …
by Steve Smith on Apr 5, 12:11 PM
Youngsters, believe me there really was a time when we just let media bedazzle us and didn't expect to discover precisely how it all was done. Somewhere along the line in the last forty years or so, having backstage knowledge of the media we consume has become just as important as consuming it in the first place. I am sure there is a Ph.D. dissertation to be done on this topic, and I promise I won't write it. And now advertising itself catches the "making of" virus. We not only get dazzling new ads on TV and online, we get …
by Steve Smith on Apr 4, 12:46 PM
The media measurement company that has become a mainstay of gauging viral video success, Visible Measures, is launching a new division to run an ad network leveraging that accumulated intelligence. Viewable Media will let media buyers acquire user-initiated video views across social media, the company claims. Visible Measures tracks 250 million video viewers a month, says CEO Brian Shinn. "We track what people watch and know what works. So, many advertising customers have been asking that we have a platform that might drive ad campaigns."