by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 30, 2:16 PM
YouTube put out one of those videos and Web posts that everybody reading and watching must have known was motivated by a new, sudden need to show how deeply it cares deeply about its creators.. YouTube announced 10 improvements to calm down the restless natives and boasted about new live streaming abilities that should make gamers happy.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 29, 12:16 PM
Verizon's new mobile video service will entice users by letting them watch free, or at a discount, in return for watching ads. That should be enticing advertisers by collecting a heavily targeted millennial audience. Soon the fun begins.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 26, 12:56 PM
At their worst, on video or in print, naive ads look like really bad knockoffs of legitimate news content. At their best, they look like really good knockoffs of legitimate content. Why can't the industry just call them "advertisements" with some "special" advertisement, and be straight about it?
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 25, 8:28 AM
Ooyala's Q1 Global Video Index, out today, says that viewing on mobile devices--smartphones and tablets--now makes up 42% of total online viewing, and should exceed half or more by the third quarter.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 24, 12:47 PM
The announcement that Hulu will offer its subscribers a deal to also tack on Showtime's soon-to-debut online service, at a discounted price, sounds right to me. It's one less separate service to pay for, as viewers may start wondering if cord cutting is worth the hasle
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 23, 12:59 PM
For millennials who grew up with the Internet, it is a constant consumer companion, says a new study from Animoto. They habitually check out product videos when they're shopping online and when they're shopping in a store, and even after they bought the product.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 22, 11:49 AM
Omnigon's new software, BracketPro, will now make it possible for sports networks and all kinds of publishers to let users weigh in on "best-of" subjects. It lets them vote using the same kind of bracket they do to fill out their March Madness entries, but online. Its first users include the Sporting News Web site and Fox's "So You Think You Can Dance."
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 19, 1:00 PM
The new YouTube Newswire, basically a joint venture with news video collector Storyful, would have been a bolder step up a few years ago. Now, it just seems like a natural one because its need and purpose is so obvious.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 18, 12:33 PM
YouTube's hold on the online video market is firmly established but a new research tool is going to start reporting the "Top Video Creators Across Platforms," which, in its first monthly report has some surprises and quirks.
by P.J. Bednarski on Jun 17, 2:47 PM
YouTube and many of its most successful multi-channel networks are often NSFW and for that matter, not suitable for school, or a smartphone in public, or a OTT connected TV screen in the living room. That's a problem