by Daisy Whitney on Oct 31, 1:09 PM
Remember when MySpace ruled the social media world and Facebook was just a quiet up and comer? Or when Yahoo was your first stop for searching before Google came around? How about when Netflix was the Michael Jordan of streaming video? A company that could do no wrong, that could only ride the growth comet, a company cited time and again as an example of how to innovate and stay relevant in a mad, changing digital world? I remember that, too. Because it was only, you know, a couple months ago.
by Daisy Whitney on Oct 28, 9:50 AM
Let's say you're a media buyer. And you just plunked down client cash for some pre-roll spots in "What the Buck" on YouTube, a couple of new series on, and "Criminal Minds" on Would you be able to report back to your client on whether the money was well spent? Many media buyers say they can't. At least not well. A just-released Casale Media survey scored a lot of ink for its growth predictions of a 25% increase in digital video ad spend in the next year. But what's really telling about the report is that difficulty in …
by Daisy Whitney on Oct 27, 12:54 PM
Seen an ad for detergent in front of that episode of "Modern Family" you watched on Hulu last night? Or maybe the latest "Glee" on ? Or a pre-roll spot for soda? Well, don't worry. They'll come. Because consumer packaged goods companies continue to dominate the online video advertising landscape, according to the latest quarterly report from online video ad technology company YuMe. The company analyzed in-stream video advertising across its ad network, which delivers more than 1.5 billion video impressions each month, and concluded that the CPG category continues to shell out to put its messages in front …
by Daisy Whitney on Oct 26, 8:53 AM
Standards. They are still the one of the biggest hurdles advertisers and publishers face in the online video business. Standards have plagued online video since its infancy and remain an ongoing challenge, according to a new report released by ad network Brightroll. When it comes to online video, brands want to know what they're buying, but they also want to be able to compare results to other campaigns, and they want to be able to deliver creative that works easily across multiple formats and sites.
by Daisy Whitney on Oct 25, 5:53 PM
What to wear, what to wear? It's a question most women must confront nearly every day. Telemundo is marrying this daily wardrobe dilemma with online video in a smart new Web series created in partnership with fashion brand Old Navy and its agency AKQA. The six-episode show Estilos Robados, translated as "Stolen Styles," launched on October 14 and runs on Old Navy's Facebook page and Old Navy's Spanish YouTube channel. The partnership is particularly noteworthy for two reasons - because of the brand integration from the get-go and the rapid growth in the Hispanic market.
by Daisy Whitney on Oct 24, 6:03 PM
I am a card-carrying cord-cutter and have been for three years counting now. Broadband video is the only way I'm watching "30 Rock," or "Parks & Recreation," or "Glee." But praise be the Roku, the Apple TV, the Xbox, and the other connected devices that live underneath the TV set and make it possible to watch programming not hunched over the laptop all the time. Cause if you're going to snip that cable wire, you need your broadband video served up while you're nibbling on popcorn and kicking back on the c-o-u-c-h, right?
by Steve Smith on Oct 21, 4:30 PM
Since it ramped up its free ad-supported streaming film and TV service earlier this year across platforms, Sony's Crackle has been developing a credible alternative to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and the paid model. Now it is working creatively with content packaging. A Halloween "Kill Count" promotion pulls together 30 horror titles -- both classic and downright risible -- to aggregates 300 film "kills" of various levels of gruesomeness. Whether it is just some garden-variety heads on spikes and neck-biting in the "Dracula" remake, or some serious axe-upside-the-head skull-splitting in more recent splatter fare, the Sony portal is offering viewers an …
by Joe Mandese on Oct 20, 7:21 PM
Joe Mandese here, filling in for Gavin O'Malley, who's been filling in for a couple of weeks ever since VidBlog regular Steve Smith moved permanently over to the dark side -- you know, mobile. Seriously, there's a story behind all this byline bye-bye-ing. There's a transition afoot, and the really exciting news is that we've just been biding time until a new, permanent VidBlogger can unleash her vid id: Daisy Whitney, who takes over starting Monday.
by Gavin O'Malley on Oct 19, 2:00 PM
What does social video look like? A consumer-generated, instantly sharable YouTube clip, sure -- but Warner Bros. has other ideas with big implications for the future of premium Web video. This week, the studio's digital distribution unit debuted "Aim High," which it's calling the FIRST "social series" spearheaded by a Hollywood studio.
by Gavin O'Malley on Oct 18, 2:41 PM
Is the Web ready for another video service? Janus Friis -- co-creator of KaZaA, Skype, Joost and Rdio -- seems to think so as he readies the launch of Vdio. What is Vdio? Not even GigaOm, which first reported its existence, knows for sure, but all signs point to an unlimited movie subscription service a la Netflix.