by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 29, 1:12 PM
The Amazon Prime bake-off is back. As it has done before, the online pay service is offering subscribers five new series pilots they can vote on. It's a self-service programming department, practically! But seriously, Amazon is putting more money into its series commitments, and it's starting to look like it's paying off.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 28, 1:53 PM
The new Videodubber claims it can dub a 90-minute piece of content into a different language-- or 30 languages if you want--in a matter of minutes. For online creators who hope hope to explore the wide world of the Web, Videodubber hopes it can be handy to have around.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 27, 11:11 AM
Minteye is marketing an ad format that allows consumers to slide a bar to skip the pre-roll, but as the firm is discovering, the skippers are four times more likely to click through to the product's Web site than those who see the whole commercial. That's still not a whole lot of people -- but it's better than the alternative.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 26, 1:19 PM
There's nothing subtle about it. Gannett Co. is introducing an ad that just takes over the screen on the home page and may play an ad without any say-so from you, the reader. It's a blatant attempt to blatantly...display advertising.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 25, 1:45 PM
Tonight, "House of Cards" may win an Emmy as outstanding drama series. Does it seem odd that no one in the outside world has much of an idea who has ever seen it? Not to Neflix. If subscribers perceive it as a winner, that's enough for Reed Hastings.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 22, 12:18 PM
A Barclay's analyst is putting out numbers that suggests HBO could offer its service online--without authentication maneuvers--and reap $600 million in additional revenue. If that's true,and if Time Warner tried something even close to what the analyst is suggesting, what would happen to the media universe?
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 21, 2:19 PM in Great Britain did some calculating and figured out that for 140 British pounds a year, UK users could be free of online advertising.Then they asked users if they'd pay that amount, which is the equivalent of about $232 US. Well, now wait a minute. . .
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 20, 3:06 PM
Innovid just released data that suggests pre-roll ads placed before videos in the same basic ballpark have a better engagement rate. Except when they don't, which also has to do with ballparks. Sorta.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 19, 3:53 PM
Wywy has created a second screen ad solution that puts inexpensive banner ads for a brand on whatever Internet site I'm on. That's based on a probability (based on demographics and such) that I'm watching a certain TV show that is showing a Wywy client's ad at that very moment.
by P.J. Bednarski on Aug 18, 2:09 PM
Xbox Entertainment Studios looked just like a content-provider. How come it didn't make it? One analysis says it's because while it has lots of users, they like it for games they play, and not necessarily for anything else. Like programming.