by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 29, 12:17 PM
There's a growing number of online video-related gifts being touted for the holidays, and that could be a sign consumers are warming to the idea that it's the way to go.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 27, 11:53 AM
Visible Measures tabulated its list of 10 brands whose videos got the most views in 2013, a list that's different than Unruly's earlier list of the most shared video ads of the year.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 26, 1:46 PM
Katie Couric, Global Anchor, has a pretty cool ring to it, though what that job at Yahoo means still seems to be up in the air. But it buys Yahoo a lot more attention.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 25, 3:00 PM
It's been a long time since sports reporting was a simple biz: Online video supplier CineSport just partnered with mega-powerful TLA so that sports rep firm's clients will work closely with CineSport; and Kaltura makes a better app.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 22, 1:13 PM
Nielsen says 75% of smartphone and tablet users engage with second screen content once or more a month. But it seems more typically, second screen users are using the ancillary screen to be doing something else, from bill-paying to emailing. Maybe more people are missing messages on both screens.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 21, 11:15 AM
Unruly, which keeps tabs on which online videos we like to send to our friends, has counted up the Top 20 for 2013. (Anxious to end the year?). The Dove Beauty Sketches topped the list, but checking them all out is a great way to spend a few quality commercial minutes.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 20, 11:25 AM
Sen Jay Rockefeller earlier this month introduced the Consumer Choice in Video Act that would be liberating for online video content creators and users, and would loosen the lock cable has on what consumers can access online. Unfortunately, it probably has no chance of becoming law.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 19, 12:31 PM
Simon Jones, Ooyala's solutions marketing director, has come to the conclusion that the world of TV and the world of online video have already collided and we're living on that planet. And it's good.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 18, 11:11 AM
I watched the first three episodes of Amazon Prime's "Alpha House" for free over the weekend, and came face-to-face with deciding if I wanted to pay more to subscribe to that online service, too. I load up on media because I write about it, but most Americans don't have that excuse.
by P.J. Bednarski on Nov 15, 1:04 PM
Digital ad execs don't always seem to know what they want their new employees to do, or how to grade how well they're doing it. Whatever it is they're doing. A new study says their digital ad bosses are not sure they're getting the job done.