by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 17, 9:01 AM
Nielsen's data dump makes good on a promise in January to include Facebook info, which turned the once-titled Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings into Nielsen's Social Content Ratings.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 14, 2:24 PM
A Columbia's journalism school scholar looks at how tech writers' jobs have changed as the questions have changed. The same thing must be true with the people who create and market the innovations.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 13, 10:56 AM
A new report from Moffett Nathanson points out desktop Internet use is slowing and the growth of smartphones has about topped out and most of us only use a handful of apps. Add it all up. . .
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 12, 11:41 AM
Data from Hitwise shows the value of scandal. While millions live streamed the second debate, many millions also searched for the Trump video, and the down and dirty on Bill Clinton.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 11, 1:39 PM
Unruly, the ad tech firm, looks at how we react to two commercials for Trump and Clinton. The words that come to mind: contempt, disgust, anger, fear.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 9, 10:00 AM
Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon celebrates the natural beauty of the place on its bottle labels. They make effective virtual reality-like videos too.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 7, 3:17 PM
Advertiser Perceptions reports that 51% of respondents to a survey said attending upfronts and NewFronts this year had a positive influence on their spending decisions.
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 6, 1:40 PM
Everybody wants ala carte content. But if that becomes the digital landscape, how treacherous will that marketplace be?
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 5, 1:31 PM
What's behind the big dip in prime-time NFL ratings. Could it be that increasingly, fans prefer following sports more casually on digital devices, rather than sitting through an entire game?
by P.J. Bednarski on Oct 4, 12:00 AM
A new automated content discovery system ColorTV gathers real-time info on individual users' preferences and suggests their next move. Content providers, and advertisers, could be very interested.