• Spending Restraint Is The Back-To-School Spending Byword
    According to NRF's 2011 Back-to-School survey, conducted by BIGresearch, parents this year will make children scour their closets before agreeing to buy any new jeans, pencils or backpacks. Families with children in grades K-12 will spend an average of $603.63 on apparel, school supplies and electronics, within a few dollars of last year's $606.40 average. Total spending on grades K-12 is expected to reach $22.8 billion. Combined K-12 and college spending will reach $68.8 billion, serving as the second biggest consumer spending event for retailers behind the winter holidays.
  • Consumers Saved $2 Billion With Coupons in 1st Half 2011
    According to the NCH Resource Center, U.S. Consumer Package Goods (CPG) marketers distributed 167 billion coupons in the first half of 2011. Although the number of available coupons was down 6.2% from the same period in 2010, it was 5.7% higher than the first half of 2009, when CPG marketers were rapidly increasing coupon distribution due to economic conditions. It was also 18.4% higher than the first half of 2008, prior to the economic impact.
  • A Quarter of Internet Users Visited a Sharing Site "Yesterday"
    According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, more online Americans are using video-sharing sites, and more frequently. As of May 2011, 71% of online adults reported watching videos on a video-sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo. Wikipedia describes video sharing steps as follows: A video hosting service allows individuals to upload video clips to an Internet website, and show the individual different types of code to allow others to view this video.
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