by Wendy Davis on May 30, 4:15 PM
Behavioral targeting company Phorm hasn't launched yet, but is already facing more pushback than even the staunchest privacy advocates likely anticipated. The latest news is that Phorm opponent Alex Hanff is calling for people to picket the annual meeting of BT -- one of the Internet service providers that's working with Phorm.
by Wendy Davis on May 29, 3:46 PM
Companies developing digital watermarking should put people's privacy interests front and center when designing applications, the Center for Democracy & Technology is urging today.
by Wendy Davis on May 28, 3:45 PM
There are many reasons to be concerned by Google's privacy policy. But the fact that the company doesn't link to it on its home page isn't one of them.
by Wendy Davis on May 27, 4:15 PM
Google has already said it's willing to go to the U.S. Supreme Court to defend itself from a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by Viacom. Now, the search giant is publicly arguing that the stakes are far higher than whether it will owe Viacom damages for copyright violations.
by Wendy Davis on May 23, 2:30 PM
This news should convince even the most ardent opponents of government regulation that Internet service providers can't be trusted to protect net neutrality. Bell Canada, currently on the defensive for slowing down traffic to peer-to-peer sites, has just officially debuted its own video site that offers download sales and rentals of movies and TV shows.
by Wendy Davis on May 22, 4:00 PM
Today ABC announced its first significant revision to its Web TV plans since 2006. In an effort to distribute programs across the Web, the TV network will start letting Web users embed clips of its shows on blogs and other sites.
by Wendy Davis on May 21, 4:15 PM
Shortly after Microsoft launched its own search engine, the company promoted it with a sweepstakes contest that promised users the chance to win prizes by searching. The idea was rightly mocked, with observers questioning why a search company would need to give people extra incentives -- beyond relevant results -- to use its search engine.
by Wendy Davis on May 20, 4:00 PM
In what could well be the final nail in the coffin for DRM-protected music, Napster today launched an online music store with 6 million tracks. They cost 99 cents each, the same as iTunes charges, but are free of the software restrictions that make it difficult for users to transfer tracks to portable players and other devices.
by Wendy Davis on May 19, 5:00 PM
It's understandable that people are looking for someone to blame for the suicide of 13-year-old Megan Meier. But federal authorities in Los Angeles have clearly stretched the law in the indictment filed against Lori Drew, charging her with computer fraud.
by Wendy Davis on May 16, 4:00 PM
Microsoft's Steve Ballmer might have walked away from Yahoo two weeks ago, but the drama is far from over. Today, Yahoo head Jerry Yang asked staff to carry on as usual despite an upcoming proxy battle. "I ask all of you to put aside the rumors and speculation, and stay focused on the business at hand and what we do best--transforming the online experiences of our users, advertisers, publishers, and developers," he wrote in a letter.