• Senator Says Euclid's Location Tracking Fails Privacy Test
    Euclid Analytics, a company that tracks brick-and-mortar shoppers via their smartphones, has failed to convince Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) that its technology poses no privacy risk. "Euclid's use of opt-out location tracking -- regardless of whether a consumer actually enters a store equipped with this technology -- simply doesn't meet the standard of privacy Americans should be able to count on," Franken said in a statement this week. "
  • Court: ReDigi Infringes Copyright By Letting Consumers Sell 'Used' Tracks
    Two weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that consumers have the right to resell the copyrighted merchandise they purchase. But a federal judge in New York just ruled that the right to resell copyrighted products only applies to physical goods, and not digital media. In a ruling made public today, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Sullivan granted summary judgment to Capitol Records in its lawsuit against ReDigi, a company that offers a platform for users to resell MP3s purchased from iTunes.
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