Hispanics And Healthcare
    While a lot has been written about Hispanics and healthcare, particularly in relation to the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, not enough attention has been paid to the opportunity they represent. Hispanics are a vital consumer segment for the large and growing healthcare industry, not just a population to be managed.
    A Balancing Act: Programmatic Advertising Vs. Content Marketing In Consumer Media
    With new programmatic solutions cropping every day, everyone - agencies, publishers and clients alike - is asking the question: how much of our digital spending should be shifting to programmatic buying models? The efficiency story has been a media headline for years, and programmatic media is certainly a solution. But, is it effective?
    Three Pharma Keys To Social
    Let me tell you a little secret. Having just made the transition from a consumer agency to a healthcare agency, I find there's very little difference between consumer and healthcare.
    Engaging And Igniting Via Email In 2016
    Among consumers, patients, professionals, and caregivers of all ages, email continues to be a highly effective use of a brand's marketing budget. But in many ways it's often overused and misused. How can we use email to create deeper customer engagement?
    Beyond 'Provider': 3 Ways To Begin The Essential Shift From Provider To Partner
    It's interesting the term "provider" is still commonly used in the modern healthcare environment. Being a provider suggests that the healthcare industry plays a one-way role of supplying care and knowledge to patients. And that would imply the patient is relegated to a role as the receiver of that care. Period.
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