• Maybe RTB Stands For We're Talking Blue?
    That's because the "Premium" publishers panel is working blue, dropping F-bombs, and firing S-rockets left and right.
  • Martini's Brand: It's The Data, Stupid, Why Not Show The Right Kind?
    Skip Brand, founder and CEO of Martini Media, is making a great point about the publisher upside in the RTB marketplace, which is that it can only create higher value (ie. higher CPMs) if publishers and data exchanges begin showing the kind of data that will drive higher value.
  • Does RTB Stand For 'Race To Bottom?'
    That's what Jay Seideman, U.S. director of targeting & exchange team at Microsoft Advertising, quipped during the opening of the "premium" publishers panel at OMMA RTB.
  • The "Moneyball" Connection
    It took about an hour, but we finally got our first "Moneyball" reference at OMMA RTB. Thank you, Paul Rostkowski, President of Varick Media Management! Moneyball, if you're not familiar, is a book by Michael Lewis (turned movie) about the Oakland A's, and -- because of its focus on the team's analytical, evidence-based, "sabermetric" approach to building a roster -- a favorite among techie marketers. Asked what he's batting at VMM -- MDC Partners' digital media buying firm -- Rostkowski boasted: "North of .300." The brainchild of kirshenbaum bond senecal + partners, VMM was incubated at The Media Kitchen by …
  • Initiative's Pahade: "I don't even know what digital means anymore."
    Okay, so that was a paraphrase. Pahade actually said, "We talk about all things digital, I don't even know what that means anymore."
  • Are You Ready For RTB?
    Nick Pahade, a few weeks into his latest gig as CEO of Initiative, has one question for CMOs: What is their audience strategy? Answers, Pahade explained during his OMMA RTB keynote, run the gamut. Some marketers say they're already devoting 20% of their budgets to RTB; some don't know what he's talking about (and tell him to: "Go ask my digital guy!"); others say they're planning on RTB; while a precious few insist: "We're ready!" Even for that last group, Pahade admits there are a variety of obstacles, which stand in their way. Centralizing efforts, cultural barriers, embedded prejudices, ... …
  • Holy Crap, You Mean I'm Two-Faced Too?
    Yep, Nick Pahade nailed me after I introduced him for his opening keynote at OMMA RTB this morning.
  • The Technological Handshake
    That's the way Forrester's Joanna O'Connell kicked OMMA RTB off with, using the handshake metaphor as a way of explain what the technology is supposed to do in the RTB marketplace.
  • RTB Multiple Choice!
    Most marketers are ___________ about real-time bidding: A) Excited B) Reticent C) Terrified D) All of the above! Unfortunately, the answer is most likely D, according to Joanna O'Connell, Senior Analyst at Forrester. As a result, O'Connell added at OMMA RTB: "We need to find ways to make [RTB] palatable for both sides [meaning not just quants and computer scientists] in order the make this work.
  • Getting School -- High Schooled -- By Forrester's Joanna O'Connell
    Interestingly, OMMA RTB got off to a start today with our opener - Forrester's Joanna O'Connell - striking a metaphor that was similar to one floated during OMMA Social yesterday: High school.
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