by David Goetzl on Oct 3, 4:17 PM
Last year, legendary adman John Hegarty offered a British reporter a compelling guide for making TV ads resonate in today's media world: "Super Bowl to super-social." Use TV as the platform to widely distribute a spectacular spot and watch commentary (hopefully positive) cascade through Twitter, while YouTube views keep climbing.
by David Goetzl on Oct 2, 3:57 PM
If just several years ago, mining for TV targeting gold seemed as tough as holding out a pan in a stream, it's pretty impressive how many more modern options are available. Deciding the best route to reach a target audience will never be perfect, but the science being applied to get as close as possible is profound.
by David Goetzl on Oct 1, 5:14 PM
In this month's Leaders & Bleeders, Nancy Dubuc powers ahead by taking over programming for all A+E Networks, while "Honey Boo Boo" generates buzz. But the fiscal cliff could heighten fears of an economic tailspin just as people are shaking off New Year's Eve hangovers and the Nexstar station group loses a court ruling against Time Warner Cable.
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