by Adam Buckman on Oct 31, 1:15 PM
The first story out of last week's barnstorming of New York City by the folks at the National Geographic Channel was that they have removed the word "Channel" from their name.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 28, 11:58 AM
An array of portable and "fixed" camera equipment is making it possible for a new TV show to bring real police action to prime time -- live and in real-time.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 27, 11:59 AM
In this new dramatic series titled "Pure Genius," a "Silicon Valley tech titan" takes on the entire medical industry by establishing his own super-hospital staffed with super-doctors.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 26, 11:59 AM
Instead of slavishly catering to Millennials like every other sector of the media these days, this new comedy series totally hammers them -- something we can all get behind.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 25, 11:49 AM
A year ago, when Norman Lear published his memoir, suddenly he was turning up on talk shows and stages everywhere. Portions of this publicity tour are seen in the documentary "Norman Lear: Just Another Version Of You," which comes to PBS Tuesday night.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 24, 11:43 AM
CBS is hatching a new strategy to create cohesion on its Monday sitcom lineup: Lead off the night with back-to-back comedies that are almost identical.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 21, 11:48 AM
The Sundance channel has come up with a novel way to promote the addition of some very old TV shows to its daytime lineup.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 20, 12:40 PM
Clearly, civility has taken a holiday -- perhaps permanently -- when it comes to political discourse in this country. What a frosty, nasty debate that thing was on Wednesday night! The fault lay more with Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton, with his disruptive, angry mutterings and ill-chosen figures of speech.
by Adam Buckman on Oct 19, 1:04 PM
What's it going to be then? Huge ratings, or an electorate so turned off by now that they'll stay away from this third presidential debate in droves?
by Adam Buckman on Oct 18, 12:32 PM
A TV critic railed against three new CBS shows, but the viewing public has taken to them anyway. That TV critic was me, and the three shows are "Kevin Can Wait," "Bull" and "MacGyver."