by Adam Buckman on Aug 31, 9:41 AM
In some recent TV shows, the attention to details is aimed at really immersing viewers in the era. But is an immersion in the '70s something anybody can benefit from?
by Adam Buckman on Aug 30, 9:33 AM
With Labor Day weekend just days away, this week is as good a time as any to assess the best, worst and indifferent from the summer TV season's shows and stories.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 29, 9:47 AM
A new show is set to premiere next month that takes the care of dogs to a whole new, human level -- "My Big Fat Pet Makeover," coming to Animal Planet on September 30.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 28, 9:26 AM
Suggestions that Americans might turn away from football are based on data about its toll on many players and the issue of players remaining seated and ignoring the national anthem before games.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 25, 9:00 AM
Each in their own way, the two speeches were quite different, but both were vintage Trump.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 24, 9:39 AM
Robert Lee was asked to withdraw from calling a college football game because his name is similar to Robert E. Lee's and the game will take place in Charlottesville.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 23, 9:36 AM
Jerry Lewis died two weeks before Labor Day, the annual holiday he made his own for the better part of many of our lives. His annual telethons for the Muscular Dystrophy Association were as reliable a sign as any that summer was ending.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 22, 8:41 AM
For the better part of Monday afternoon, Donald Trump and his soap opera White House were eclipsed by news coverage of an event that had nothing to do with politics.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 21, 9:25 AM
In a new fall drama premiering October 1, a tech genius and billionaire devises a way to harness social media, and smartphone connectivity in general, to help solve crimes.
by Adam Buckman on Aug 18, 9:04 AM
The pilot for the new ABC comedy called "The Mayor" shows promise, but an anti-Semitic remark early in the half-hour episode strikes a sour note.