by Adam Buckman on Feb 29, 12:34 PM
The Oscars nominated a movie named "Joy," but the Oscar telecast was joyless. Instead, it felt like an exercise in ceaseless hectoring. Listening to all the talk about racial snubbing was like being jabbed repeatedly with a sharp stick.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 26, 12:03 PM
There's a comedy glut in late-night TV -- from the late-night talk shows and snarky newscast parodies to the syndicated sitcom reruns seen all over the place.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 25, 12:34 PM
The thing I love best about these occasional documentaries about the early days of rock 'n' roll -- such as "American Masters" on Fats Domino -- is the role that television plays in each and every one of them.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 24, 12:40 PM
Whether he relishes being placed in this position or not, host Chris Rock will be expected -- if not obligated -- to wisecrack wickedly on the state of race relations in Hollywood.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 23, 1:32 PM
The durability of the couples concept in home-renovation programming is put to the ultimate test with the arrival of "Nicole & Jionni's Shore Flip," premiering Wednesday on cable channel FYI.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 22, 12:05 PM
The old spark returned to "Downton Abbey" last night with vim, vigor and vinegar. The second-to-last episode was so rich, it played like a finale right up to the final scene.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 19, 12:00 PM
Khloe Kardashian had some good advice for anyone tuning in to her new cocktail party "reality" show this past Wednesday night. "Pick up a drink and enjoy the show!"
by Adam Buckman on Feb 18, 12:19 PM
Two sitcoms on different networks take basically the same approach to their depiction of teachers. Take a group of teachers and have them behave immaturely and irresponsibly as if they're still teenagers.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 17, 12:02 PM
In this PBS documentary, which premieres next week, experts promise that Big Data can head off epidemics, get potholes filled and ensure the survival of premature babies.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 16, 11:52 AM
This week's premiere of the new History Channel talk show "Join Or Die with Craig Ferguson" not only features Ferguson as host, but Jimmy Kimmel as a guest.