by Adam Buckman on Feb 28, 12:27 PM
With Judge Wapner's death, a TV columnist can now examine "The High Court" in the context of "The People's Court," the TV judge show that started it all with Wapner in 1981.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 27, 12:55 PM
That socko finish certainly sent the big show over the top. It was a life-affirming moment, restoring one's faith that you're never too old to see something new.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 24, 11:56 AM
Here's a prediction that is the closest thing there is to a sure thing about the Oscars: Everyone will complain about it.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 23, 12:36 PM
Showtime's "Twin Peaks" is one of a number of new shows coming up in the next few weeks that are worth looking out for.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 22, 11:43 AM
There is much to like about new scripted series "Sun Records," including the story, the locations, the characters and the actors who play them.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 21, 12:29 PM
Donald Trump has decided to take the phrase "fake news" and apply it to situations where it was never meant to be applied.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 20, 12:00 AM
There is a vast swath of basic cable that is the TV equivalent of fly-over country -- you "fly over" these networks on the way to somewhere else.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 17, 1:03 PM
Jeff Zucker may or may not have been drawing a parallel between Trump and the authoritarian regime in Venezuela when Zucker spoke out on Thursday about the Venezuelan regime's crackdown on CNN this week.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 16, 1:04 PM
Comedy clubs -- the dank, claustrophobic, malodorous dens of brick-wall backgrounds and squeaky chairs -- are the places Jerry Seinfeld once described as the "smelly gyms" of show business.
by Adam Buckman on Feb 15, 12:31 PM
A series of interviews this week on "The Today Show" is reviving memories of the Golden Age of TV Talk Shows. If the era wasn't exactly golden for the world at large, it was certainly golden for a journalist on the television beat.