by Amy Corr on Aug 26, 4:34 PM
If a ghost inhabiting a space now used by an ad agency could talk, what would he say? Better still, what would he tweet? Ad agency Keiler says it has a ghost writer for its Twitter account -- that is, a real ghost.
by on Aug 19, 2:43 PM
It was only a matter of time. Leave it to the Magic of Disney to take what was once the miracle of mixing live action and animation (a la "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," circa 1988), and, by simply leveraging augmented reality, now it's as simple as "there's an app for that." What Disney has done is effectively allowed for the scaled mixing of live action video with their animated characters in an app that allows anyone to create unique videos and place animated Disney characters and objects alongside them within the footage, in real time.
by Amy Corr on Aug 12, 4:58 PM
If newspaper pictures tell a story, then what happens when a daily newspaper runs without photos? The boxes, where photos should be, ran blank except for a tiny graphic in the middle -- the universal sign of a broken image link. Is someone going to lose his or her job for letting such an egregious error go to press? Not this time, because this faux pas was intentional.
by on Aug 5, 3:23 PM
Amidst all the hoopla over Google Glass of late, isn't it great when a completely nascent technology emerges and a marketer is smart enough to use to reinforce their brand promise, while newsjacking the art and technology headlines at the same time? Case in point: the new Nestle Kit Kat Break Art creative technology from JWT Singapore.
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