by Amy Corr on Apr 26, 3:00 PM
The Stride gum ostriches will find you, whether you're online or offline. In TV spots, these ostriches threaten anyone with bodily harm who dares reveal Stride's mega-mystery flavor. The animal with a face only its mother could love has also invaded the mobile realm, specifically the app world.
by Amy Corr on Apr 19, 3:01 PM
HPNOTIQ, the blue liqueur made of vodka, natural tropical fruit juices and cognac, launched a unique online campaign targeting 21-34 year-old women planning get-togethers. In the process, the company became the first sponsor of a sharable Evite widget, paving the road for a new ad medium for the invitation-sending Web site.
by Amy Corr on Apr 12, 4:00 PM
Small budgets have yielded hefty payoffs lately for brands embracing the power of the blogger. ASICS sent European bloggers on a virtual scavenger hunt while Vodafone sought the help of 15 bloggers in the Netherlands to create a treasure hunt using social networks. Stateside, Steaz Teas targeted mommy bloggers to enhance its brand awareness when allotted coveted shelf space at Target stores on a trial basis.
by Amy Corr on Apr 5, 4:01 PM
Would you purchase beachfront property without the beach? Better yet, would you buy a beachfront home if you had to sacrifice the beach to make room for your home?
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