by Ari Rosenberg on Jul 26, 12:31 PM
Mixed with content, music acts like baking powder, binding a connection with the audience. That's why movies rely on music scores and songs in the forefront to elevate the senses of their audience, and television commercials do the same exact thing. So what's the problem with online advertising creative? It can't be heard.
by Amy Corr on Jul 19, 3:30 PM
Yogi Tea launched an online campaign guaranteed to brighten the day of countless tea lovers. Yogi created a well wishes microsite where consumers could send online inspirational messages, written on a tea bag, to friends and loved ones. In addition to the customized e-card, recipients get a pair of Yogi tea bags in the mail.
by Amy Corr on Jul 12, 3:15 PM
Exhaust fumes, humidity and, on a bad day, road kill. These are the things I smell when I drive the highway with the windows down. Grilled steak, not so much. Travelers on Highway 150 in Mooresville, N.C., however, experienced the smell of grilled steak wafting through the air, thanks to a scent-emitting billboard.
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