by Amy Corr on Jan 29, 4:00 PM
Whenever I hear or read anything overly techie, my body undergoes the same knee-jerk reaction: glazed-over eyes. Taking a page from the movie "Borat" while simultaneously sympathizing with my pain, Fortify Software, a company that provides companies with security software solutions, launched a print campaign and Web site heavy on humor and light on techie lingo.
by Amy Corr on Jan 22, 3:30 PM
Getting women to take the plunge and buy a new car might seem like a daunting task. How does an automotive brand stand out compared to others? How can a testosterone-laden industry show its softer, feminine side? Offer the ladies a set of stylish accessories to decorate themselves and their cars, that's how.
by Amy Corr on Jan 15, 3:45 PM
Music is often used as a way to reduce stress, aid digestion and improve sleeping habits. Take an hour's worth of radio music, strip away the ads, and what you're left with is roughly 45 minute's worth of actual music. Not so in northern California, where Kaiser Permanente, one of the West Coat's largest insurance providers, is doing more than buying local radio ads.
by Amy Corr on Jan 8, 3:30 PM
Children's cereals are jam-packed with sugary goodness, no surprise, but calcium? Color me shocked. Kellogg's launched a "strong" print campaign in the December/January issues of two popular Arab female magazines, Sayidaty and Zahrat Al Khaleej, illustrating the role calcium plays in a growing child's life. The ad, promoting Coco Pops cereal, was created on thick white paper symbolizing the strength of healthy, calcium-enriched bones.
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