• Fox Sends A Better 'Mulaney' Episode To TV Critics, Saves Show
    Here's a good example of the pitfalls of TV-column writing: I was all ready to blast this new Fox comedy series "Mulaney" as one of the worst shows I had the misfortune to waste time watching this past summer. But then I decided to watch the series premiere I received recently from Fox on a DVD before writing today's TV blog. And guess what: The pilot that Fox is airing this coming Sunday night at 9:30 (8:30 central) is completely different from the episode that Fox provided to TV columnists last summer.
  • From 'A To Z': What's Wrong And Right About TV Comedy
    NBC's new comedy series "A to Z" manages to encompass just about everything that's wrong with contemporary TV comedy writing -- and everything that's right too. Romantic sitcoms featuring characters who are either 30-something or possibly 20-something and who meet cute and then date are something of a mini-trend in the new fall TV season -- and so far, "A to Z" is the best of the bunch.
  • Redskins Name Will Die Out On Its Own, Without FCC Intervention
    Those of us who are familiar with the FCC's history in the enforcement of "content" regulations don't really expect the commission to come out with a ruling banning the word "Redskins" on TV. The issue arises today because of the news that the FCC has confirmed it is considering a complaint petition recently filed at the commission about the Redskins team name.
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