Something Else To Learn From Gen Y: How To Structure Your Business
    To be successful in today's ever-changing business world, follow a few of these lessons Gen Y has involuntarily delivered to us.
    Here We Go Again ...
    Building a social media strategy is an imperative for any brand in today's world, but building the biggest social media list possible is a recipe for disaster.
    Segments And Shifts
    One tempting reaction to variance within a generation is to "call a new generation"; however, identifying differences between early versus later members of Gen Y is in no way a repudiation of the integrity of the generational theory that declares those born between 1982 and 2004 to be a distinct unit. In the end, efforts to divide the world into smaller and smaller addressable segments based on common characteristics are an imprecise art and, while one can always find reasons to re-draw the lines on the generational map, moving the goalposts doesn't serve us well as we attempt to understand …
    The Election Is Challenging Gen Y Values: Impatience Versus Optimism
    President Obama's answer to a question Jon Stewart asked on a recent episode of "The Daily Show" illustrates the problem. Would he change his campaign slogan to be less audacious? The President replied that he believes in "yes we can ... but it takes time." Not a great answer for impatient and results-oriented Millennials!
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