Milllennials With Edge
    Seeking instant validation, imbued with a sense of entitlement, enjoying an extended adolescence. Traits that have often times been used to characterize the Millennial generation. Traits that may be outdated as younger Millennials look to arm themselves with a new approach and the tools they need to succeed in uncertain times.
    Want Fries With That? Kids Say 'No Thanks' To Boring Kid's Menus
    Kids have always had some input on family decisions, but today's Gen We has more influence than the generations that came before them. The restaurant category is just one of many feeling the effects of Gen We's strong point of view. A 2013 NPD study found that nearly a third of visits to restaurants include children. Of those visits, Mintel data indicates that the parent was likely to have let their children pick the restaurant 26% of the time. Thus, it's critical that restaurants have a strategy to increase their Gen We appeal, as these kids expect more when it …
    For Gen Y Trust and Character Are the Top Brand Currency
    Millennials are passionate about companies who give back to the communities they serve. By this I mean both companies who contribute philanthropically and companies who foster goodwill by being transparent in times both bad and good.
    Loving The Mushy Stuff: The Success Of Tissue Box Marketing
    Once upon a time, tear-jerk marketing was reserved for coffee commercials that aired at Christmas and AT&T spots that made moms cry in the '80s. But today, tissue box marketing has broken out of its narrow demo, and is being used by a wide range of brands to appeal to not just moms, but young consumers who are proving that when it comes to ads and content, they love the mushy stuff.
    Brand Marketers Targeting Millennials Should Try Mom And Dad
    Millennials are sometimes characterized as a lazy, indifferent generation with a natural sense of entitlement. In my opinion, this could not be any further from the truth. However, one undeniable fact is that a large portion of Millennials is still supported by their parents in some way. In fact, a recent Pew Research Center study determined that about 21.6 million Millennials still live at home. That's over one-third of Generation Y, and it's a stat that marketers should pay attention to when trying to reach this elusive and sporadic bunch. If brands want to reach Millennials, the best way to …
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