by Kyle Wong on Jun 28, 12:00 PM
Marketers have learned that embracing user-generated social content enhances their brands and builds stronger relationships with customers. But yet they still fear what their customers, especially social-savvy, trendsetting millennials, may say online about them. They worry that some of the 2 billion young people worldwide - projected to spend over $2.5 trillion annually in the coming years - could make disparaging remarks on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, tarnish their brand images and cause alienation with this important demographic.
by Kipp Jarecke-Cheng on Jun 24, 10:00 AM
After more than 20 years of subscribing to "The New York Times," I've finally faced reality and canceled home delivery of the print edition and moved exclusively to an all-access digital pass. Truth is, it's been years since I've regularly read "The New York Times"-or" The Wall Street Journal" or the "Washington Post," for that matter-in print, at least. In fact, I've spent the past four or five years methodically suspending my home delivery and simply reading the "Times" on my iPhone, tablet or laptop.
by Anna Saffer on Jun 21, 2:00 PM
To brands, the Millennial Mom is a highly coveted sub-species within the ever-desirable Millennial market. For those newbies, she is anyone born between 1978 and 1994 with a child. She's such an exciting prospect for brands as she represents 90% of all current moms of children. Her spending power is estimated to be $1 trillion over the course of her child's life (0-17), according to a recent Goldman Sachs study. Who wouldn't want to try and get a piece of her spending?
by Jeff Urban on Jun 17, 10:00 AM
For years, sports have been played via broadcasts in family rooms on Sundays, on backyard basketball courts for pickup games, in sandlots during summer Wiffle ball tournaments, and more. But now, sports have transcended the traditional ball and field system, and millennials are consuming sports everywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And the screens are no longer just a family's TV, but have gotten smaller and are in each individual's hands, oftentimes more than one at a time.
by MaryLeigh Bliss on Jun 10, 11:00 AM
Millennials are content on the couch, and a boozy binge-watching session with friends is appealing more to Generation Homebody than a night out partying. Welcome to the age of staying in. Though partying hard may have been a hallmark of youth for generations, Millennials are less intent on pushing boundaries than they are living in the Netflix-and-chill zone. This generation is redefining what a good night looks like-and more than ever it's more about food and couch time than going out on the town.
by on Jun 7, 11:00 AM
The highly coveted millennials. The next wave of influencers. The ones who will define luxury, style, culture and even politics. No generation has a more sophisticated or developed sense of storytelling and film making. They've grown up with editing software at their fingertips, 1080p HD video cameras on their phones and high-production value everything.
by Brian Mitchell, Evan Mitchell on Jun 3, 11:00 AM
When a disruptor invades a market, a predictable ritual ensues. The invader makes threatening, exaggerated claims. This is the chest-thumping, attention-seeking stage. And the attention it seeks is media attention. Which duly follows. The prey will either publicly shrug it off, pointing out to the same media the strategic changes they'd made recently to address the very shortcoming being exploited (guaranteeing more media attention), or they'll play the insouciance card, pretending to ignore the interloper, while working desperately undercover to determine if the problem is real.
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