Why Millennials Literally Can't Even Right Now
    For all of Generation Y's #yolo posturing and whatevs attitude, Millennials are super-stressed out, yo! Like, they literally can't even right now!!! A quick scroll on Tumblr of the hashtag #ILiterallyCan'tEven yields a not-so-surprisingly vast catalog of Millennials stressors - typically represented in the form of animated GIFs - that range from "Super-Kawaii Things That Stress Me Out Cuz They Are Just Too Damned Cute" to "Homework Is Hard and Stuff" to "Will I Ever Get a Job That's Commensurate With My Education?"
    What You Don't Know About Millennials And Content Marketing
    Google "Millennial" and it's easy to see why every marketer is freaking out trying to reach this often misunderstood generation. Data is readily available that tells them these consumers are online all the time across various devices and that they don't mind brand messages in the mix as they engage with content everywhere. Data is also available that shows marketers how much this generation is spending or will spend over their lifetime with brands they love. Naturally, brand marketers want in.
    Want To Reach Millennials in 2015? Chat 'Em Up
    I predict that 2015 is going to be the year that chat apps play a key role for brands trying to reach Millennials.
    Training Is The New Marketing: 3 Ways Training Can Appeal To Millennials
    Much has been written about how to market to or engage with Millennials. Despite all the hype, Millennials are not overwhelmingly difficult to understand or connect with.
    Millennials And Valentine's Day
    Are Millennials telling Valentine's Day, "I'm just not that into you?" The 14th of February is upon us, and with Millennial consumers making up many of the singles who are dating, looking for love, and now starting to settle down, it's important to understand how they view the holiday. In our recent monthly survey of Millennials 13 to 32 years old, we asked about their relationship statuses, and their plans for and attitudes about Valentine's.
    Millennials Seek Story, Boomers The Fountain Of Youth
    The global flavors Millennials already expect are making their way onto the plates of Boomers, inspired by the younger generation and looking to relive the experience of their travels. That said, appetite for culinary experiences is no greater than among Millennials with 9 out of 10 wanting to try new flavors, compared with only 53% of Boomers. Whether eating out or dining in, food is a source of entertainment and engagement for Millennials; it's the arbiter of cool. They want unexpected flavor combinations, exotic ingredients, heat and spice. They want to be surprised.
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