Steps To Refresh Your Campus Marketing Plan
    Sure, you're marketing budget has shrunk, you're overworked and understaffed, but taking a break from your college marketing plan will only set you back.
    Great Expectations Move Into A Bleak House
    While the full impact on the Gen Y generation will have much to do with when and how the economy recovers, marketers accustomed to the rich and easy Gen Y target will find that they need to work a little harder to understand how and where their products will find fertile ground among a generation that is rethinking many of their core values.
    Recruiting Gen Y In A Web 2.0 World
    Out of all the generations, Gen Y is by far the largest, approximately 80 million strong. Quick to adopt new technology, members of Gen Y have inhabited social networks for years now, as early adopters. Social networks have already transformed our society, and there's no doubt that Gen Yers are at the forefront of this social revolution and evolution. MediaPost reports that there are 87% more online social media users now than in 2003, with 883% more time devoted to those sites. The fastest growing demographic are those 35 years and older, which means that there are even greater …
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