by Frank Riolo on Jun 27, 9:31 AM
Millennials are growing up. In my last Engage: GenY contribution, I highlighted the media's tendency to overlook the fact that many older Millennials are already far along in the "game of life," if you will. It goes without saying that the way this generation pursues life's steps is different from that of Boomers and Generation X. Technology has obviously played a huge role in the lives of Millennials and will continue to do so. Because of this, brands should focus on ways in which they can incorporate this technology into their everyday lives.
by Jerry Hudson on Jun 20, 11:00 AM
We are visual creatures. Images convey information to us more quickly - and often more emotively and powerfully - than text or speech. So it makes sense that, in a world full of more content than we can possibly absorb, images and video are the go-to format for connecting with Millennials (a/k/a Gen Y).
by MaryLeigh Bliss on Jun 13, 9:46 AM
When social media became a marketing must, Facebook ruled the roost, but even before the outrage over their diminished organic reach began, the conviction that advertising on the platform was effectively reaching Millennials was waning. Meanwhile, Twitter allows for unprecedented real-time personal interactions between consumers and brands, but the network is difficult to get right, and some brands are still trying to figure out how to master something as essential as hashtags. While social media marketing is more essential than ever, it can be unclear to many how best to participate and just where they should be. So what's next? …
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