Among Millennials, Hashtags Are The #NewURLs
    We've been dancing around this topic for a while, so I'm going to come right out and say it: Hashtags are the new URL. Jack Dorsey & co. have said it since 2011, but nobody's paid much attention. Now it's time for marketers to face the music or get left behind.
    How Do You Market To A Generation In Flux?
    As the first wave of the Digital Generation, Gen Y is truly disrupting the traditional notions of marketing. Brands can partner with Gen Y by understanding what's important to this culturally diverse and life stage-straddling group, and how digital and mobile permeate their lives.
    The Private Side Of Social Media
    Millennials have come to be known as the over-sharing generation. But after years of broadcasting their lives on Facebook profiles and Twitter feeds under profiles tied to their real names and real lives, Millennials are looking for ways to share their thoughts with fewer consequences. They're still sharing and looking for outlets to send out their thoughts and voices, but there is a new desire for privacy, secrecy, and anonymity in social media. The Facebookers are becoming the faceless.
    Millennial Values Do Not Waver Despite Differences
    For better or worse, Millennials are often viewed as a singular group. They are often characterized as a "me-first" generation that would rather spend time "instagraming" their meals than having a meaningful conversation with another human being. Most brands, of course, know this notion is false. Millennials are very much a deep, complicated collection of people whose interests and purchasing patterns are yet to be completely cracked by marketers.
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