And The 2015 Millenny Award Goes To ...
    Some peeps (and by some peeps I mean mostly the olds, obvs) like to say that Millennials are a generation that's been raised to believe that each and every one of them deserve a prize just for, well, being present. But who can blame them? Millennials' Gen X and Baby Boomer parents basically invented the parenting technique known as the Overprotective Helicopter Coddle, so it shouldn't be a surprise to older generations that some members of Gen Y have come to expect special recognition-even if it's sometimes unwarranted.
    A Good Experience: The Holiday Gift That Keeps On Giving
    It's no secret that millennials are a huge consumer segment. Eighty million strong and growing, they make up 25% of the U.S. population and wield a direct buying power of more than $1 trillion. And during the holidays - a time when brands are fighting hand over omnichannel fist to claim their spot on Mom's shopping list - the smartest move is to follow the golden rule of marketing: Know thy audience.
    3 Rules For Winning Digital Content
    We're always on the look out for digital marketing wins and mistakes, tools to update your mobile/social plans, and the things you should know to stay on top of marketing on specific platforms. Today, we're taking a step back, processing all we know about reaching young consumers online and on mobile, and giving you three overall rules you should follow to win digital marketing.
    Fast-Fashion Fright
    Sitting here on my red cotton Ikea couch, wearing Zara sweatpants, Forever 21 flannel, and a cozy H&M sweater, I am glancing around anxiously, worried they'll see me in all this cotton.
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