by Karlene Lukovitz on Oct 25, 3:11 PM
This week brought Nielsen's extension of SVOD content ratings to Amazon Prime Video and Roku's acquisition of Dataxu, among other notable developments.
by Karlene Lukovitz on Oct 18, 3:40 PM
What has to happen before scalable amounts of national networks' TV inventories are available on an addressable basis? Here's a rundown based on experts who participated in a CIMM workshop.
by Karlene Lukovitz on Oct 11, 2:30 PM
Levy sheds some more light on how buys across linear/digital inventories of four different TV companies will work, as well as next steps for this innovative venture.
by Karlene Lukovitz on Oct 4, 2:47 PM
CTV accounted for 50% of all video ad impressions on Extreme Reach's server in Q2, and CTV distribution/ad supplier Wurl rolled out a new CTV ad marketplace.
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