Whom Do You Trust To Make Green Marketing Claims?
    At the end of the day, the most potent source of credibility and purchase influence may exist just over consumers' garden fences and cubby walls.
    Attention As A Renewable Resource
    How do we get repetitive views in online media, if marketers are competing for viewers to frenetically change the channel? One solution is green marketing and green media. By encouraging viewers to return to a site on the basis of increased social investment, high frequency brand engagement is starting to occur.
    Redefining Value
    The opportunity for CPG brands is to connect with the evolved definition of American values. With the "American Dream" farther off than ever, consumers find themselves taking stock of their predicament and making changes toward a sustainable future.
    It's Time To Demand Responsibility From Consumers, Too
    Brands should not only continue their CSR efforts, they should expand them in a way that allows consumers to participate. Rapidly evolving social media channels make this effort easier and more cost-efficient than ever, and doing so shifts the discussion from corporate responsibility vs. consumer responsibility to "shared responsibility."
    Framing Of Cause Critical To Consumers
    If cause-related marketers want to appeal to the largest possible audience of both types of consumer groups, the presentation of the advertising should emphasize short-term gains over long-term gains.
    When It Comes To Packaging, Less Is More
    Here are cost savings that go right to the bottom line. The perception of a greener footprint. Taking a lead marketing position in a highly competitive category. All good - if it works according to plan.
    The Power Of Influence: How Event Marketers Can Drive Sustainability
    It doesn't have to happen overnight, or through big, costly changes. Even the smallest steps can become significant over time, and uncover an even more important upside: inspiring others to embrace sustainability, and leaving a positive influence on the communities you touch.
    Frugality And Social Status Trump Altruism
    Green may be the new black, but not for the reasons you might expect. A new study of consumers' "green" attitudes and behaviors reveals that there are many reasons people do (and don't) engage in sustainable practices themselves or favor brands that do.
    Establish Permanence In Changing Times
    In this economy consumers are feeling vulnerable. Now, more than ever, people want to feel a part of a responsible and sustainable culture, and they are spending their dollars accordingly. Go tell your story. People are listening.
    It's Easy Being Green
    One piece of advice for anyone designing a green marketing campaign is to use your intuition, gut and heart. Just like a good creative director can sense when ad copy has hit the right balance of hype and restraint, a green marketer must be able to identify and feel when it has struck the right human chords.
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