by Rob Davis on Oct 16, 4:00 PM
Here are a couple of tips to gauge the real efficiency of national versus local media and, in turn, focus on people who will actually buy from you.
by Thomas Wachtel on Oct 15, 1:13 PM
In marketing, being optimistic is essential --- but something is almost guaranteed to go wrong with nearly every campaign.
by Harvey Chipkin on Oct 14, 2:41 PM
Large-scale virtual meeting attendance has multiplied tenfold in some cases, with many attendees signing up just days in advance.
by Jon Last on Oct 13, 1:42 PM
The incessant melodrama of schedule shuffling -- accompanied by rumors of harsh penalties for teams that violate safety protocols -- has only fueled interest.
by Rebecca Hawkins on Oct 12, 12:06 PM
User-generated content (UGC) captures an authentic intimacy no other creative format can match.
by Corey Smock on Oct 9, 10:31 AM
Tracking comments is the most effective way to measure your influencer marketing campaign.
by Aaron Paquette on Oct 8, 1:06 PM
What can marketers learn from this McDonald' promotion, which brought a ray of hope to gloomy restaurant predictions?
by Seema Miller on Oct 7, 1:07 PM
If intuition favors the familiar, it's time to "dissent" like RBG and search for ideas that are truly original.
by Arundati Dandapani on Oct 6, 3:45 PM
Over three-quarters of American internet users aged 13+ years listen to music via streaming, signaling new opportunities for brands to innovate with audio.
by Mario Carrasco on Oct 5, 1:20 PM
What name -- Asian American? Asian? Country of origin? -- do Asians living in the U.S. prefer to be identified by?