How To Understand And Engage Today's Voice Shopper
    How people shop is fundamentally shifting, and this behavioral evolution requires both strategic pivots by pretty much every brand selling consumer goods today.
    For Best Marketing, Acknowledge Creatives AND Geeks
    Creativity can often be the differentiator in a world obsessed with analytics.
    The Importance of Hispanic Audiences To The Entertainment Biz
    When the Pixar animated film “Coco” was released last year, it garnered immediate praise for the way it was able to incorporate elements of Mexican culture — music, art, language — into a beautifully animated, emotionally resonant film. As Benjamin Bratt, one of the stars of the film, said after the movie’s release, “The thing I am most proud of is that Latinos instantly developed a proprietary relationship with the film. They have claimed it as their own, visiting it in theaters on multiple occasions, like they would a close family member.” As the hype over films like “Crazy Rich …
    Why Brands Can't Afford Not To Advertise On Amazon
    With Amazon, the customer journey is condensed -- search and purchase can happen without leaving Amazon's site.
    Messaging Frameworks: Learn To Speak Their Language
    Messaging frameworks help you deliver content that communicates exactly the right message for a particular consumer at that moment.
    Social Media Could Have Transformed Marketing -- Instead, It Amplified Its Flaws
    "Social media" has become less social. It's now just another place for brands to push out advertising.
    Stopping Downward Trends: Why Brands Tend To Get WORSE Over Time
    In a 15-year study, only 25% of brands surveyed changed in a positive direction. Here's how to be one of those brands.
    Fortune 50 Versus 500: Data Wealth Gap Is Real
    Companies like to boast about how much data they have. In practice, a minority of the largest companies possesses the vast majority of data.
    U.S.Tennis Open Brings Brand Band Back Together
    Beginning Aug. 27, the U.S. Open will reunite the prolific - and highest-paid - tennis players over the past decade.
    Marketers' Two Biggest Blind Spots
    Brands are faced with a seemingly insatiable demand for fresh and engaging content, but marketers often don't have a strategy in place to develop that content.
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