by Joe Mandese on Nov 26, 8:53 AM
It's beginning to look a lot like a record holiday shopping season. Based on early results from Black Friday and projections for today's "Cyber Monday," e-commerce sales are on track to surpass previous records by a couple of billion dollars. "Numerous sources indicate solid holiday sales for the Thanksgiving weekend and holiday season-to-date and we remain comfortable with our expectation for mid-teens e-commerce holiday season growth," the equities research team at Raymond James confirmed in a round-up of leading indicators.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 19, 9:16 AM
A year after launching the Advertising Trust & Transparency Forum and proposing the formation of an "advertising contract exchange," the ad hoc group has delivered on its promise. The exchange, dubbed ACE (for Advertising Contract Exchange), is being hosted by the American Advertising Federation (AAF) and functions like a glossary of terms that represent best practices and guidelines for defining terms and using language in contracts between advertisers, agencies, the media and various third parties who help process it.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 12, 9:37 AM
In the battle of media format dominance, video still commands much of Madison Avenue's attention, as well as its highest CPMs, but audio is ascending again, thanks to the ad world's obsession with emerging voice-activated technologies, especially smart speakers and the ilk.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 5, 9:10 AM
Big startup ideas sometimes emerge before the marketplace is ready to embrace them, or miss the market altogether. Simulmedia's new direct-to-consumer media-buying platform is just right, and here's why.
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