by Tobi Elkin on Feb 28, 8:11 AM
The U.S. is no longer bringing new users to the Internet: With U.S. web traffic plateauing, smartphone growth in China, India, and Brazil is responsible for driving over 400 million new people online.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 27, 9:14 AM
The findings of a biannual survey of marketers' confidence increased by six points from a year ago. Despite the slight increase, 30% of marketers said they're more concerned that their organizations aren't investing in the right customers, a 13% decrease in confidence compared to the 2016 findings.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 24, 8:17 AM
More than 40% of online ads are larger than industry standards, which results in sluggish sites and consumer frustrations over slow load times. Programmatic ad networks, in particular, are slowing ad delivery.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 23, 8:26 AM
French ad tech firm Criteo surpassed analysts' estimates in Q3, and is looking toward new products to fuel its growth.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 22, 8:09 AM
Programmatic platforms join forces with TiVo and agency DWA Media to show how combining targeting, data, and programmatic TV deliver stronger customer engagement.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 21, 8:05 AM
New York City is already a hub for digital media, advertising, and all manner of tech startups. Now, the city has pledged $250 million to launch Civic Hall, a hub for tech companies, tech training, events, and more.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 20, 8:00 AM
So what does all the talk about "moment marketing" mean? Just ask Forrester analyst Melissa Parrish, who said it's critical to mobile marketing, and contextual signals will be key.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 17, 8:12 AM
Aly Nurmohamed, VP, Global Publisher Strategy, at Criteo weighed in on ad blocking: "We're not yet in the midst of an adblockalypse." Yet he argued that there remains a lot of work to be done to ensure that ads are "engaging with consumers and not getting in the way of their online experience."
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 16, 8:52 AM
While ad blocking remains a major hurdle for advertisers, publishers, and the entire digital ecosystem, digital researcher eMarketer revised its ad blocking forecast, lowering estimates of ad blocking users in the U.S. to 75.1 million. That still means that more than one quarter or 27.5% of U.S. internet users will use ad blockers this year, according to the revised forecast.
by Tobi Elkin on Feb 15, 8:19 AM
Berlin-based mobile data exchange adsquare announced its entry into the U.S. market in late January. The entry was considered a "must" even amid increasing consolidation in ad tech.