by Joe Mandese on Apr 25, 9:05 AM
Large Hadron Colliders aside, "The New York Times" alters the headlines of 14% of its stories almost immediately and A/B tests 6% of them.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 18, 9:59 AM
I'm channeling legendary management consultant Peter Drucker to explain how the inertia of ad industry culture is operating against its own best strategic interests.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 11, 9:00 AM
Obama cited "product design" for disinformation's undermining of democracy, suggesting the outcome isn't unintentional, but engineered explicitly.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 4, 8:50 AM
I used to think the worst thing any brand could do to a consumer was to waste their time. But now I realize it's actually holding them captive.
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