by Joe Mandese on Jan 30, 11:42 AM
"We're fucked," Garfield quipped when asked to sum up a roundtable on the "Business of Misinformation." He was not alone.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 24, 8:35 AM
When we asked a second question about the liability for advertisers, there was more of a disconnect.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 17, 9:13 AM
I'm doing my best to channel my inner Ephron today, and I'm going to suggest that if he were alive today, he wouldn't call it "recency" planning.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 10, 7:41 AM
Remember the tech spending bust after Y2K? New data suggests COVID-19 may be technological deja vu all over again.
by Joe Mandese on Jan 3, 9:41 AM
You could say, most of them fall into an "Omicron Group," including the most read one about its impact on the Omnicom Group
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