by Joe Mandese on Jun 28, 9:05 AM
After spending last week covering the Cannes Lions awards, I can tell you one of the festival's biggest winners went unannounced: the COVID-19 pandemic.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 21, 9:00 AM
Some startling new research from GroupM's Wavemaker unit reveals that the erosion of brand equity becomes much more exaggerated when consumers' "path to purchase" takes place online vs. the physical world.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 14, 9:36 AM
It may be too soon to proclaim that context is once again king, but a new report from the DPAA suggests it is finding its way back in the royal court.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 7, 9:06 AM
After a brief flirtation with higher-order metrics, some major media are pushing to revert their advertising currencies to impressions-based measurement, albeit for different reasons.
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