by Joe Mandese on Mar 28, 9:30 AM
The findings show how adding TV into any mix boosts results. Duh.
by Joe Mandese on Mar 21, 11:06 AM
"I sat in that room and Sparks & Honey, for one hour, talked about culture in a way that I'd never heard it talked about," Omnicom's Jonathan Nelson said during a 10th anniversary celebration.
by Joe Mandese on Mar 14, 11:14 AM
"People have a preconception that contextual is too old," Wavemaker's Delphine Fabre-Hernoux says, explaining why it's not your father's contextual targeting.
by Joe Mandese on Mar 7, 8:52 AM
Question: When was the last time GM asked you for permission to use your identity to target you with ads? When was the last time you consented to it? Speaking for myself, the answer is never.
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