by Joe Mandese on Jun 24, 9:19 AM
If you ask me, that's where the real controversy should begin -- not with the duration-weighted impression, or common denominator -- but how value is assigned to them, because that's where the winners and losers will be made.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 17, 8:51 AM
Watch for interest in cryptocurrencies to spike this week in the media industry, if not the ad biz as Facebook releases a white paper outlining its plans for investors and other stakeholders. The coin, which reportedly will be called "Libra," is expected to be backed by a consortium of financial and transactional partners, including Mastercard, PayPal, Uber, Visa and other members of The Libra Association.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 10, 12:19 PM
As the rate of expansion of programmatic media-buying begins to decelerate, the focus is shifting to how vs. how much. That's the conclusion of the 2019 edition of the latest edition of Magna's semi-annual "Programmatic Report." Yes, the report continues to size the growth of the programmatic marketplace, noting that while it continues to expand at double-digit rates, it will only expand 18% this year vs. multiples of that only a few years ago.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 3, 9:18 AM
In what appears to be a political media-buying first, the majority of digital buys made during the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections were bought programmatically.
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