by Laurie Sullivan on Dec 31, 8:00 AM
Marketers are ready for new metrics. Data scientists, developers and analysts may grant their wish in the new year.
by Laurie Sullivan on Dec 24, 9:50 AM
Amobee recently announced a partnership with Place Exchange to launch one of the first programmatic marketplaces for out-of-home solutions to a challenging problem.
by Laurie Sullivan on Dec 17, 9:00 AM
Overall, the share of mobile advertising spent in North America conducted programmatically rose from 55% to 72%, with total programmatic spending in North America reaching 438%.
by Laurie Sullivan on Dec 10, 9:00 AM
Paywalls feed the most educated and higher-earning consumers, and starve those who either cannot afford the subscription or do not want to pay the price to subscribe.
by Laurie Sullivan on Dec 3, 2:53 PM
Ad-verification company Fraudlogix published recent data showing that the average percentage of fraudulent traffic increased from 11.6% in October to 14.2% in November.
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